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Machine Learning Powered

Marketing Strategy Analytics

Explainable, Improvable, Profitable Marketing Intelligence
Customised for Small Business

Your Strategy Advisor

Want to hit a home run with digital marketing, like Facebook? With our strategy advice customised for your marketing campaigns, you will be on a winning streak.

Campaign Valuation in our AI Analytics enables us to compare results with a unified measurement. By further analysing your campaign attributes, all hidden insights and optimisation strategy advice are ready to up your marketing game.


Win Big with Small Data

Combining small data with marketing domain expertise, our AI Analytics generates insight-driven strategy advice that helps optimise marketing with confidence and ease.

Campaign Valuation

  • Compute value earned by your campaigns
  • Evaluate performance in monetised and unified measurement
  • Uncover hidden insights that prevent value loss

Strategy Optimisation

  • Measure effectiveness with campaign objective
  • Advise optimisation strategy to achieve better marketing results
  • Get personalised best practice insights

Customer Projection

  • Suggest new customer group to acquire
  • Segment existing customers with high growth potential to further engage
  • Identify loyal fans to nurture as brand advocates
Your Benefits

Step Up Your Marketing Game

Marketing can make or break your business. You deserve the best marketing strategy no matter the size of your business. Our strategy advice helps you maximise marketing returns.


Marketing is not a black box

Metrics can be meaningless if you do not know how to interpret them. Our AI analytics helps you make sense of your marketing returns, and generates marketing intelligence so that you can make informed decisions in every campaign.


Marketing is a process of learning

Build, Measure, Learn! The success factor is “LEARN”. Our analytics drill down and through the data to identify the correlations between your efforts and returns, allowing you to replicate major success and eliminate repeated mistakes.


Marketing is an investment, not expenses

Very often people see marketing as an expense because they have no way to ensure the best returns in marketing. Our insight-driven strategy advice significantly boosts the performance, turning marketing into a high returns investment.

Marketing Strategy Analytics

Get Customised Insights for Your Business

AI Driven Marketing Research Analytics

Step Up Your Marketing Game with ADintel

ADintel revolutionises how to unlock Marketing Intelligence with AI technology. We assist businesses embracing MarTech and taking control of their data to make informed marketing decisions.

ADintel is a graduate company of Estonia’s Tehnopol Startup Incubator.